février 2009 (4)

samedi 28 février 2009

/me's Debian Maintainer (DM)

Thanks to the good fellows, I've been advocated and accepted as Debian Maintainer. Now I only need to take more time to work on Debian ;-)

mardi 10 février 2009

(Importé blog pro) UDD, SWIM, Flossmetrics : facts databases about libre software distributions… going Semantic ?

I’ve attended the recent FOSDEM 2009 (great as always), where a number of presentations triggered a lot of my interest. First @DebianRoom where Lucas presented UDD, the Universal Debian Database. This database groups facts about the Debian project, to ease the creation of queries on what’s happening  […]

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lundi 9 février 2009

Applying as a Debian Maintainer

I've been doing lots of Debian related things, and even took care of some packaging tasks. Nothing really fancy, and noticeable until recent contributions to bts-link, maybe ;) I've been thinking about becoming more involved in the project for quite some time, but I'm still a bit reluctant to  […]

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jeudi 5 février 2009

(Importé blog pro) Introduction to bts-link slides

bts-link is a very useful tool which helps keep track of bug status changes when a Debian bug has been marked as linked to another bug in an other (upstream) bugtracker. I’ve prepared some slides of introduction for our partners in Helios to introduce them to that tool : Introduction to bts-link  […]

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